CALL 2020
Re-envisaging Music: Listening in the Visual Age
Call for papers
Re-envisaging Music: Listening in the Visual Age
Siena – Accademia Musicale Chigiana
10-12 December 2020
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Leslie Korrick
School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, York University, Toronto
“Listening in the Age of Sound Art”
Music and images, seeing and hearing have always been inextricably linked. Even when more autonomous concepts of music developed at various times through the centuries, they arguably served to keep at bay the ever-present visual dimensions of the act of listening. When we listen to music, do we just listen? When we see a painting, or anything else, do we just watch?
The last few decades, however, have witnessed the advent of an ever more pervasive visuality. From the development of technology to social media to special effects, seeing is foregrounded like never before. What does this mean for music? How do music’s materialities answer to the materialities of visual objects and arts? How does music answer to the demands of pictures? Do these new developments affect our listening and performance experiences? What categories are particularly useful to explain the connections between musical and visual domains? How are different musical traditions, from “classical” music and opera to jazz, popular and folk music being re- envisaged?
Possible topics for consideration include, but are not limited to, the following:
live performance
site-specific performance
installations/sound art
video performance
live broadcasting
pre-existing music as soundtrack
historically informed listening
places/spaces for performance
urban musicology
The official languages of the conference are English and Italian.
A selection of the conference papers will be published in the 2021 volume of Chigiana. Journal of Musicological Studies (https://www.journal.chigiana.org/).
Please send proposal to chigiana.journal@chigiana.org by 25 June 2020. Proposals should include:
– Title of paper
– Name of speaker(s)
– Institutional affiliation
– A proposal of c. 300 words
The papers should not exceed 30 minutes in duration.
We are aware that there are still uncertainties in the current scenario; we will constantly monitor the situation and the measures that the Italian and other governments put in place and we hope that by December 2020 it will be possible to travel, so that the conference may go ahead as planned and we can meet in Siena. However, if necessary, we will be running the conference online.
Conference Committee:
Antonio Cascelli, Tim Carter, Laura Leante, Allan Moore, Christopher Morris, Emanuele Senici
Organising Committee:
Nicola Sani, Stefano Jacoviello, Susanna Pasticci
The conference is organised within the 2020 Chigiana Project, “Reshaping the traditions”. The project aims to explore the impact of the concepts of tradition in contemporary music culture, combining educational opportunities, music production and scientific research.