James Garratt

Professore di Storia della musica ed Estetica musicale all’Università di Manchester, dove riveste anche il ruolo di organista. Tra le sue pubblicazioni, si segnalano in particolare tre monografie: Palestrina and the German Romantic Imagination: Interpreting Historicism in Nineteenth-Century Music (Cambridge University Press, 2002), Music, Culture and Social Reform in the Age of Wagner (Cambridge University Press, 2010) e Music and Politics: A Critical Introduction (Musica e politica: Un’introduzione critica, Cambridge University Press, 2018). Al momento sta lavorando a un volume su musica, estetica e valori (Music, Aesthetic and Values) per Cambridge University Press.

Professor of Music History and Aesthetics at the University of Manchester, where he also holds the position of University Organist. His publications include three single-author books: Palestrina and the German Romantic Imagination: Interpreting Historicism in Nineteenth-Century Music (Cambridge University Press, 2002); Music, Culture and Social Reform in the Age of Wagner (Cambridge University Press, 2010); and Music and Politics: A Critical Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2018). He is currently completing a book for Cambridge University Press on Music, Aesthetics and Values.