Axel Körner
(Universität Leipzig)

Axel Körner is Professor of Modern Cultural and Intellectual History at Leipzig University and Honorary Professor at University College London. He held visiting positions at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and at New York University. In addition to modern Italian and Habsburg history, he published widely on the history of opera and music in transnational perspective. His America in Italy. The United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865 (Princeton, 2017) won the Helen & Howard Marraro Prize of the American Historical Association.

Axel Körner è professore di Storia moderna culturale e intellettuale all’Università di Lipsia e professore onorario dell’University College di Londra. È stato visiting professor all’Institute of Advanced Study di Princeton, all’École Normale Supérieure di Parigi e all’Università di New York. Oltre che di storia moderna d’Italia e degli Asburgo, ha pubblicato diversi volumi di storia dell’opera e di musica in una prospettiva transnazionale. Il volume America in Italy. The United States in the Political Thought and Imagination of the Risorgimento, 1763-1865 (Princeton, 2017) ha vinto il premo Helen & Howard Marraro dell’American Historical Association.