Hedy Law

University of British Columbia

Hedy Law is Associate Professor of Musicology at the University of British Columbia. She received her PhD in Music History and Theory at the University of Chicago. She has published in Cambridge Opera Journal, the Opera Quarterly, Musique et Geste en France: De Lully à la Révolution, the Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies, the Oxford Handbook of Music and Censorship, the Oxford Handbook on Music and the Body, and the book, Music, Pantomime, and Freedom in Enlightenment France.

Hedy Law è professoressa associata di musicologia presso l’Università della British Columbia. Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Storia e teoria della musica presso l’Università di Chicago. Ha pubblicato su Cambridge Opera Journal, Opera Quarterly, Musique et Geste en France: De Lully à la Révolution, Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies, Oxford Handbook of Music and Censorship, Oxford Handbook on Music and the Body, e il libro Music, Pantomime, and Freedom in Enlightenment France.