Andrew Shenton

Boston University, Massachusetts

Andrew Shenton is a scholar, prize-winning author, performer, consultant, and educator based in Boston, Massachusetts. Born in England, he first studied at The Royal College of Music in London, and holds bachelor, masters, and doctoral degrees from London University, Yale, and Harvard respectively. Shenton’s current academic work includes writing and teaching on public engagement of religion and the arts, and performance and research under the heading “music and transcendence” that includes several major publications on Messiaen and Pärt. Dr. Shenton is Professor of Music at Boston University, and Conductor of Vox Futura.

Studioso, autore pluripremiato, performer, consulente e educatore con sede a Boston, Massachusetts. Dopo aver studiato al Royal College of Music di Londra, si è laureato presso la London University e ha conseguito master (Yale University) e dottorato (Harvard University). I suoi attuali interessi di ricerca includono l’impegno pubblico della religione e delle arti, e il rapporto tra musica e trascendenza (con pubblicazioni su Messiaen e Pärt). Shenton è professore di musica alla Boston University e direttore di Vox Futura.