Verena Paul

Ha studiato musicologia alla Ruprecht-Karls-University di Heidelberg e alla Karl-Franzens-University di Graz, dove ha completato gli studi nel 2011. Dal 2013 al 2017 ha lavorato come assistente presso la Pannonische Forschungsstelle – International Center for Wind Music Research (University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz), dove ha condotto studi sulla strumentazione e sulle bande militari nel diciannovesimo secolo. Nel 2017 ha iniziato a lavorare come bibliotecaria nello stesso centro, continuando così i suoi studi. È membro del consiglio dell’International Society for Research and Promotion of Wind Music (segretario generale dal 2017 al 2020, componente del comitato consultivo dal 2020).

She studied musicology at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and at the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz, where she completed her studies in 2011. As an assistant (2013–2017) at the Pannonische Forschungsstelle – International Center for Wind Music Research (University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz), she carried out studies on instrumentation and military bands in the nineteenth century. Since 2017, she has been working as a librarian at the same centre, where she is furthering her research. She is a member of the board of the International Society for Research and Promotion of Wind Music (2017–2020 as general secretary, and since 2020 as a member of the advisory board).